For the first time, Quang Tri province had a person who was granted a scholarship by the Romanian Government to train a master at the Romanian National University of Music with a major in Piano performance. This honoree is Ms. Ho Thi Ngoc Ha (born in 1992), a Van Kieu ethnic, a piano teacher at the Faculty of Music, Military University of Culture and Arts.

Always excellent, talented

The first impression of Ho Thi Ngoc Ha to me is that she always makes the opposite person attracted by her pure and modern beauty. Not only beautiful, Ngoc Ha is also very smart. Having passed many applications, Ngoc Ha has just been honored to be in the capital Bucharest to study a master's course at the Romanian National University of Music with a major in Piano performance.
Ngoc Ha has always wanted to learn and interact with the classical music of Europe, continuing her dream of bringing classical music closer to the public by remixing classic works. Ngoc Ha sincerely shared: "What I want, there may be things I can do or not necessarily do, but I always try my best, bit by bit, bit by bit.
 Because you may not have reached your destination, but at least you are beyond the starting point.” Who would have thought that such a big idea came from a girl from the mountain town of Khe Sanh in Huong Hoa district. For Ngoc Ha, the path to music is not only by chance but also by fate. Ha still clearly remembers, more than 15 years ago, a musician came to stay with her family during the time of doing an art program to prepare for a concert to celebrate the anniversary of Khe Sanh's liberation.
 This musician tested her rhythm and told her father: "This girl should take music lessons". So Ngoc Ha was introduced to the keyboard by her father and only a year later, when she was 10 years old (going to school a year early), she passed the entrance exam for the gifted intermediate system of Hue University of Arts (Hue University of Arts). now Hue Academy of Music).
 For a girl who was originally from an ethnic minority, her personality was very shy and she had never participated in or knew what art was, but she had to go to Hue alone to learn music so that everyone and everyone could enjoy it. Even she herself was surprised.
Ngoc Ha recalls the first time for her with many difficulties. She is also only a 5th grade girl, but she has to independently learn to adapt to a new life, new friends and teachers, and is constantly sick because of strange water and strange climate. And from here, she has to get used to studying at the same time two schools, culture and music, and has to get used to setting herself a serious practice schedule.
On that day, her family could not afford to buy her a guitar, so she had to practice the piano every day at school or take advantage of the time after class to stay and practice alone. The difficulty is that, but Ngoc Ha's passion for music has no limits. Her main specialty is Keyboard, but the image of an artist with a piano makes her feel really passionate. So she asked her teacher to let her learn more piano lessons.

For Ngoc Ha, Piano performance is an infinite passion


To study well, she had to practice the piano at school as well as increase her practice hours. Up to now, her family has not been able to buy her a Keyboard. However, Ngoc Ha still excelled in her studies, she always received scholarships for excellent students of the school. Especially twice, she was awarded "TOYOTA Scholarship to support young Vietnamese musical talent". Then Ngoc Ha graduated from Intermediate Music, 9 years, majoring in Keyboard at Hue Academy of Music, with excellent grades.
Keen to pursue a professional piano path, she immediately applied for the Piano performance major of the Military University of Culture and Arts, passing the second grade. Four years later, Ngoc Ha graduated with the best honors and became a piano teacher at the Faculty of Music, Military University of Culture and Arts.
 For Ngoc Ha, her education was still not enough, she continued to take the exam and was accepted into the Master of Piano Performance at the Vietnam National Academy of Music. While studying at this school, thanks to the recommendation of the Military College of Culture and Arts and her excellent academic performance, she received a scholarship for a Master of Music (Piano performance) from the Romanian Government. So leaving all her dreams in her homeland, she went to Romania to "seek to study religion."

Burning desire for piano

 For Ngoc Ha, piano performance is not a profession but a career, a passion that she had to spend her whole childhood to get as she is today. Since officially pursuing Piano, she has always tried her best because she did not learn the basic Piano right from the start. So she had to practice the piano while trying to practice additional techniques for the years that she did not have the conditions to study. Ngoc Ha is always aware that pursuing professional music, talent is a part, hard work and a serious sense of practice is the most important thing.
It seems that the word practice has become an indispensable word in her daily life. Until in her sleep she still dreamed that she was practicing the piano. Ngoc Ha recalls that although she studied music from a young age, it was not until the 9th grade that her father bought her the first keyboard. It was impossible to describe her joy at that moment. But when she discovered that the money to buy the piano was from the meager pension her father received for his official retirement, she was choked up because she loved him.
Until Ngoc Ha went to university and bought a piano for herself with her own money from teaching and performing, she appreciated the hard work that parents always tried to bear so that their children could have the best things. Best. Ngoc Ha believes that it is the responsibility of an artist to strive to pursue learning to the right place and to teach music well.
 Music performance gives her a lot of emotions, is a place to show her passion as well as practice the bravery of a classical music artist, besides teaching well, she has the opportunity to pass it on to her students. His birth was more knowledge and compassion. Every time she goes to a professional class, Ngoc Ha always tries to convey what she has learned and trained to students like previous generations of teachers have nurtured her.
Ngoc Ha appreciates the teaching profession, because what she has today is thanks to the guidance and dedicated help of teachers, especially her father. Talking about the image of her father (teacher Ho Xuan Long, language expert Bru Van Kieu) affecting her, Ngoc Ha shared: "My father didn't teach me a single note, but he was the teacher who passed it on to me. I have love and devotion to the teaching profession”.

Ngoc Ha with international friends in a class in Romania

For her, the image of the artist at the piano is always beautiful and poetic, but to get those moments, they have to practice very hard. During her days in Hanoi, Ngoc Ha tried to participate in piano performances in many events including solo, duet and ensemble.
It is her time working in practice that has helped her gain a lot of experience so that she can teach, play, and accompanies vocal or other musical instruments (violin, cello, flute…) in a better way.
Perhaps the biggest memory for her is the young artist night program “Space”. It was a night of her chamber music organized with the support of the 7th Coffee Coffee Music Salon and the help of many close friends, taking place at "Seventh Coffee Musical Space". To organize this program, she had to practice hard for several months and put a lot of effort. Because this is not only her first mini show, but also a way for her to express her gratitude to her teachers, friends and relatives who have always supported and helped her throughout her musical journey.
This is also the last show before she suspends all work and music projects in Vietnam to continue pursuing the path of professional Piano performance by studying abroad. It is a great honor to be trained in music in Romania, a good land for Ngoc Ha to fulfill her dream, but she is always humble, considering this as an opportunity to learn to expand her musical knowledge as well as to be continued. direct contact with European culture, is the cradle of classical music.
Ngoc Ha's dream with music is always endless. She hopes that after finishing her studies, she will have the opportunity to perform more, the teaching job she has always pursued. Parallel to that is continuing the project of bringing classical music closer to the public by remixing classic works.
Source: Tran Tu Linh / Quang Tri newspaper

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